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Training retailers in WHO Code compliance in the Philippines
Educating retailers: Training retailers in WHO Code compliance in the Philippines

As a Company founded on principles, we strive to comply with the laws and regulations in place, and international standards wherever we operate. Ultimately, compliance is the basis for all our CSV and sustainability activities, and acts as a non-negotiable minimum requirement in everything we do.

For us, upholding compliance goes beyond keeping checklists. It requires steadfast principles that apply across the whole Company, providing clear guidance to our people and suppliers (see our Corporate Business Principles for more information).

In a world marked by continuing economic volatility and political upheaval, with large numbers of people migrating from rural to urban areas in search of work and improved living conditions, it is particularly important that we take effective action to ensure that human rights are respected.

Therefore, as an extension of our actions to ensure compliance, we recognise there is a prevailing expectation that companies should respect human rights in their operations and supply chains. We also believe that business can have a positive impact on human rights by creating and supporting economic activity – helping people live to an acceptable standard by ensuring fair wages, working hours and working conditions.