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Nestlé helps to “Change the World”

Nestlé fifth-ranked company on Fortune magazine’s annual “Change the World” list
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Nestlé Helps to “Change the World”

Businesses are addressing society’s problems to help make this world a better place to live. Global business magazine Fortune recently recognized Nestlé as the fifth-ranking company and highest-ranking food and beverage company on its annual “Change the World” list of the top 50 companies that are “doing well by doing good.”

Fortune magazine said, “Food is more than just food when it’s fortified with nutrients that billions of people would otherwise lack. Given the reach of the world’s largest food and beverage company, all this – which Nestlé tracks in its annual ‘Creating Shared Value’ report – makes a difference.”

According to Mrs. Audrey Liow, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé Indochina, “This recognition by Fortune magazine reflects Nestlé’s efforts in helping to make a difference in society while reinforcing our position as a Nutrition, Health, and Wellness company.”

“Nestlé continues to enhance lives with science-based nutrition and health solutions for all stages of life. We have been helping consumers care for themselves and their families for over 150 years of ‘Good Food, Good Life.’ Nestlé is committed to Creating Shared Value (CSV) as the way we do our business in Thailand and globally,” she added.

Fortune magazine recognized Nestlé’s ongoing efforts to do better socially and environmentally while making healthier foods and beverages. The company sources locally, boosting developing economies and the livelihood of smallholder farmers in more than 50 countries. In its 16-year quest to become a Nutrition, Health, and Wellness company, Nestlé has lowered the amount of fat, sugar, and sodium in thousands of products, while fortifying others – 192 billion servings in 2015 – with essential minerals and nutrients that are in especially short supply in low- and middle-income countries, such as iron-fortified bouillon cubes in Africa.

Mrs. Kanokthip Prinyarnussorn, Nutrition, Health & Wellness Group Manager, Nestlé (Thai) Ltd., added that in Thailand, Nestlé promotes Nutrition, Health, and Wellness through three initiatives: the Nestlé Nutritional Profiling System – 60/40+ program for product development; nutritional education programs for children; and in-school sports programs.

“Continuous product improvement is very important, as our products need to evolve to meet consumers’ changing preferences for personal health and better nutrition to suit their lifestyles, while still offering the taste they enjoy. At Nestlé, we have the Nestlé Nutritional Profiling System (simply called the ‘60/40+ tool’) to help us ensure that our products can offer a tastier and healthier choice in a balanced diet for target consumers,” she said.

The 60/40+ tool is applied across all food and beverage categories at Nestlé. It is a research methodology that tests taste preference. The aim is to achieve a preference of at least 60% of consumers in a blind taste test against the most prominent competitive products in the market. The “plus (+)” is the nutritional benefits Nestlé aims to achieve based on nutritional criteria recommended by world-renowned health authorities, the product’s role in the diet, and local public health priorities. Nestlé also voluntarily implemented Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) labeling on the front of its product packages. The GDA labeling provides important nutritional information about energy, sugar, fat, and sodium. Nestlé believes that accurate and easy-to-understand nutritional knowledge relevant to consumers’ needs is essential to help them make appropriate decisions. The GDA labeling helps to empower consumers to make an informed choice to ensure a balance diet for themselves and their families.

In addition to the 60/40+ tool and GDA labeling, Nestlé collaborates with other organizations to address nutritional issues among Thai children who face insufficient nutrient intake and a significant increase in obesity. The company has partnered with government authorities and the private sector to create nutritional education and social movement programs to help resolve nutrition and health issues among children in Thailand.

To promote a healthier generation of Thai children, Nestlé has sustainably implemented nutrition education and sports programs in schools. The Healthy Thai Kids program was introduced in 2004 in collaboration with the Department of Health, the Food and Drug Administration under the Ministry of Public Health; and the Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC) under the Ministry of Education.  For over 12 years, the program has provided education about nutrition and healthy living to school-aged children and key influencers such as parents, teachers, and communities, which all play a major role in promoting good nutrition, health, and wellness for children. Nestlé has also developed edutainment materials to encourage children to change their habits for healthier lives, with tips such as Read the label; Adjust your behavior to eat five food groups, especially more fruits and vegetables; Move your body to burn what you eat; and Avoid food that is too salty, oily, or sweet.

Today, children’s nutrition has become a national priority, as the latest statistics from the Ministry of Public Health show that about 7 to 10% of Thai children are underweight, while another 12% are overweight or obese.This is why Nestlé partnered with the Office of Basic Education Commission under the Ministry of Education; the Department of Education, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration; Chulalongkorn University; Institution of Nutrition at Mahidol University; and the Rakluke Group Co., Ltd. (RLG Group) to launch a social movement program called the “United for Healthier Kids (U4HK)” in mid-2016.

Mrs. Kanokthip said, “The U4HK program is designed to help parents and caregivers establish healthier eating, drinking, and lifestyle habits among children through a ‘HERO MEAL,’ game-changing educational tools, and inspiring ideas, all powered by nutritional and behavioral science, to encourage the adoption of sustainable healthier habits. We have implemented the program, piloting with 800 kindergarten students aged 3 to 5 years old in four pilot schools in Bangkok, and invite everyone to get inspired about the program by visiting”

Beyond nutrition, Nestlé actively promotes sports programs to encourage a balanced diet and active lifestyle for children 6 to 12 years old through its MILO Sports Program. The in-school sports program reaches over one million children in 1,000 schools nationwide each year. The MILO Futsal Champion, the biggest futsal tournament nationwide, is another key sports activity. Organized for seven consecutive years, it has reached a total of 30,000 children between 7 to 15 years old across Thailand. All of the finalists in the futsal competition have been trained by experts in the field of sports science.

“As an active sponsor of the Nutrition Association of Thailand under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, Nestlé recently took part in the 10th Thailand Congress of Nutrition by organizing a panel discussion on the initial results of the ‘United for Healthier Kids’ program. We also showcased other sustainable nutrition, health, and wellness activities to inspire healthcare academics, government officers, nutritionists, dieticians, and teachers. We believe this sharing will help drive proactive nutrition and health evolution in Thailand,” added Mrs. Kanokthip.

With its focus on Creating Shared Value, Nestlé will move forward to “do well by doing good” to make people happier & healthier with tastier & nutritious products and responsible communication to enhance quality of life. 

Mrs. Audrey Liow, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé Indochina

Nestlé executives led by Mrs. Audrey Liow (middle), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé Indochina, Mr. Nophadol Siwabutr (right) Director for Corporate Affairs, and Ms. Somrudee Boonhaijaroen, (left) Communications & Marketing Services Director, Nestlé (Thai) Ltd., at the “Nestlé Good Food Good Life” Booth during the recent Thailand Congress of Nutrition in Bangkok in October.

Mrs. Kanokthip Prinyarnussorn, Nutrition, Health & Wellness
Group Manager, Nestlé (Thai) Ltd.

Students enjoy morning exercise before class as part of the Healthy Thai Kids program.
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The “Hero Meal” solution encourages children 3 to 5 years old in the United for Healthier Kids program to adopt and sustain a healthier lifestyle.
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MILO Futsal Champion is the biggest futsal tournament nationwide.
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