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Nestlé launches plan to protect workers in Thai seafood supply chain

Ensuring human rights in our supply chain in Thailand
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Given increasing concerns about labour and human rights abuses in the seafood supply chain and our commitment to eliminate such practices, Nestlé has published an Action Plan (pdf, 650Kb) on seafood sourced from Thailand. It contains a series of actions designed to protect workers from abuses, improve working conditions and tackle unacceptable practices including juvenile and teenage working.

Commenting on the release of the Action Plan, Executive Vice President of Operations at Nestlé, Magdi Batato said: “Nestlé is committed to eliminating forced labour in our seafood supply chain in Thailand, working alongside other stakeholders to tackle this serious and complex issue.”

“We believe that our Action Plan will help improve the lives of those affected by unacceptable practices. This will be neither a quick nor an easy endeavour, but we look forward to making significant progress in the months ahead.”