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50 million children

live healthier lives



30 million livelihoods

in communities


Striving for

zero ​

environmental impact

Our 2030 ambition is to help 50 million children lead healthier lives.


Enabling healthier and happier lives in 3 approaches ​

  • Offering tastier and healthier choices
    Offer nutritious foods and beverages that are suitable and safe at affordable prices, e.g., by developing less-sugar beverages, iron fortified foods, etc. ​
  • Inspiring people to lead healthier lives
    Encourage behavioral change and inspire healthier Thais with “Nestlé Active Thailand” project and activities.
  • Building, sharing and applying nutrition knowledge
    Share useful nutrition knowledge for health promotion by experts with people and external organizations to provide guidance to look after them themselves and their families.

Check out our local initiative to enhance quality of life here. ​

Our 2030 ambition is to improve 30 million livelihoods in communities directly connected to our business activities.

Helping develop thriving, resilient communities in 3 approaches ​

  • Enhancing rural development and livelihoods
    Take part in helping and improving farm economies with our projects that help support the farmers through training and supporting local coffee farmers.
  • Respecting and promoting human rights (Global)
    Promote human rights based on The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
  • Promoting decent employment and diversity
    Create comprehensive employments and offer jobs to the younger generations to enter the workspace to enhance business capacity.

Check out our local initiative to enhance community livelihoods here.

We are on a journey to regeneration. We are contributing to our mission to achieve net zero by 2050 to tackle global climate change. To create a better world for generations to come