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Tell us if you have concerns

The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles reflect our commitment to a strong compliance culture as a non-negotiable foundation of how we do business. More than words on paper, our principles are actionable and we are prepared to do what is necessary to ensure that our Company is managed in line with our commitment. You can help us achieve this goal.

Our Compliance Reporting System, "Tell us", provides you and all other external stakeholders with a dedicated communication channel for reporting potential instances of non-compliance with our Corporate Business Principles.


IMPORTANT: If your message is not related to compliance with the Nestlé Corporate Business Principles (i.e. products or services, jobs, interest in distributing Nestlé products etc.) please contact our Consumer Services team.




How to report a compliance concern?

"Tell us", our Compliance Reporting System, is available any time (24/7, 365 days a year).

1. You can choose to use a web form or call a toll-free phone number and leave a message. For both procedures visit this website

2. In both cases, you will receive an individual case number. Please note the number down and keep it safe.

3. This case number is your personal key to the Compliance Reporting System and to the report you have filed. It allows you to track the progress of your case and to provide additional information. You will be asked to enter this number each time you access the system.

4. We take all concerns seriously and will take the appropriate action on each report. We will keep you informed on our progress whilst processing your concern.

5. At anytime you can go back into the website, and track the progress of your case using your case number.

6. We are committed to improving our Compliance Reporting System and reserve the right to make changes in the future.

report a concern

What happens after I have sent my report?

1. Acknowledgement


We will acknowledge receipt of your report within five working days. It may take longer if your report is sent during a public holiday. If your initial report does not include enough evidence, we will get in touch to ask you to provide more evidence.
You will receive an individual case number after filing your report. This number will allow you to track the progress of your report after logging into our system. Please follow up your report.

2. Triage

Each report we receive is studied carefully. We will open a case if your report is credible and includes enough evidence. We will then assign the case to our Market Compliance Officer in most cases. The investigation will be led by our Market Compliance Officer in the region/country where the incident is said to have taken place.

3. Escalation

Reports that contain serious allegations will be escalated to the Zone Head of Legal and Compliance and, when relevant, to the Globally Managed Business General Counsel. The Group Chief Compliance Officer will also be informed when a report involves allegations of:

(i) dishonesty, criminal activity, antitrust /competition law, or issues involving revenue recognition, corruption, bribery or significant fraud;

(ii) misconduct by members of a Nestle senior leadership member;

(iii) matters which are likely to negatively affect the reputation or public image of Nestlé;

(iv) violation by Nestlé of its public Creating Shared Value commitments such as, without limitation, respecting and promoting Human Rights and the adherence to Nestlé’s industry-leading procedures on a responsible marketing of breastmilk substitutes.

4. Confidential investigation

The investigation will be handled with consistency and confidentiality – we will only involve people who need to be involved. Our Compliance Officers may conduct confidential interviews with employees, contractors or anybody they feel is relevant to the investigation.

5. Decision and reply to you

After reviewing all the findings of our investigation, we will decide if a breach has taken place, and, if the case, take action. You will be informed accordingly.

Important Notice

  • Non-retaliation commitment: Nestlé prohibits retaliation of any type against an employee who brought forward a concern in good faith. Anyone who attempts to retaliate against an employee for reporting in good faith may face disciplinary action, including the possibility of dismissal. Nestlé also protects the rights of the person accused.
  • In order to facilitate our company to conduct actionable and effective investigations, please include a detailed description of the incident (who, what, when, how) and supporting evidence (e.g. copies of documents, screenshots, or names of witnesses) that can corroborate your report. Please note that general assertions cannot be investigated.