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“Nurturing Stronger Bonds, Brewing It Forward”

Wouldn’t it be great if the packaging for the coffee we enjoy every day doesn’t end up in a landfill or floating in the sea, but instead is recycled to contribute to a sustainable circular economy? As we care for you and the world, NESCAFÉ, the number one coffee brand among Thai consumers, is taking the opportunity this International Coffee Day (today, October 1) to announce its commitment to sustainability. NESCAFÉ is changing its packaging to be 100% designed for recycling by 2022 to help create a waste-free future for Thais and align with Nestlé's global ambition for all its packaging to be 100% recyclable or reusable by 2025.
In response to this commitment, NESCAFÉ is a pioneer with its green packaging, introducing innovative solutions in two product categories. First, the brand is changing NESCAFÉ BLEND & BREW sachets to monostructure plastic, which means the sachet is made entirely from the same group of plastic. The monostructure sachet, designed for recycling, is the first packaging of its type in the world. Introduced in a pilot project for NESCAFÉ PROTECT PROSLIM in the middle of this year, the innovative monostructure sachet will be expanded to cover the entire NESCAFÉ BLEND & BREW product portfolio by Q1 2021.

NESCAFÉ’s second packaging innovation is completely switching its Ready-To-Drink (RTD) coffee product line to 100% recyclable aluminum cans by this October. The initiative began last year by switching two flavors of NESCAFÉ RTD, which were Latte and Black Ice, to aluminum cans, followed recently by Espresso Roast.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Thon Thamrongnawasawat, a marine and environmental ecologist, said, “Packaging waste, especially plastic, ending up in the sea is an urgent global issue that everyone must work together to address, from upstream, which is the manufacturers, to downstream, such as consumers. Proper waste management needs to be in place to establish an effective circular economy. According to data from the Pollution Control Department, in 2019, Thais generated up to 1.14 kilograms of plastic waste per person per day, with about 27.04 million tons of plastic waste generated in Thailand every year.”

"This is an enormous amount of plastic waste, so we must work together to solve this problem systematically. NESCAFÉ’s mission of moving towards sustainability by changing its packaging to be 100% designed for recycling is impressive and provides an environmentally-friendly alternative to consumers. I’m sure changing the previous type of packaging to make it easier to recycle required a major investment both in teamwork and the research and development of technology. Driving change requires time to educate and adjust consumer attitude and behavior, and I believe that if manufacturers and consumers fully cooperate, the dream of making our world more livable will come true,” he added.
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Mr. Victor Seah, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé Indochina, said, “NESCAFÉ, one of Nestlé's iconic global coffee brands, has been connecting with Thai consumers for more than 47 years. We are extending the NESCAFÉ brand’s mission of nurturing stronger bonds by making the NESCAFÉ Day campaign more meaningful this year. Managing plastic waste is our top priority, which is why we are taking the lead by announcing we will change the packaging for NESCAFÉ products, Nestlé's largest business group in Thailand, to be 100% designed for recycling by 2022. This initiative will meet the needs of consumers who are looking for more environmentally-friendly packaging while aligning with Nestle’s ambition for all of our packaging to be 100% recyclable or reusable by 2025. I am confident this year’s NESCAFÉ Day campaign will nurture stronger bonds with Thai people and reinforce NESCAFÉ’s position as one of Thailand’s most sustainable coffee brands.”
Ms. Naritta Vipulyasekha, Business Manager – NESCAFÉ Coffee Mixes, Nestlé (Thai) Ltd., added, “We are very proud of Nestlé Thailand’s packaging research and development team. They led the development of innovative packaging that will eventually be used around the world, especially the monostructure sachet that is 100% designed for recycling by using the same group of plastic. It’s the first innovation of this type anywhere, and Thailand is the first country where it is being used.”

The innovative monostructure sachet is designed to fill the same role as conventional coffee sachets, retaining the flavor, aroma, and freshness of the coffee it contains. What makes the monostructure sachet different and beneficial is that it is 100% designed for recycling as there is no need for material separation.

NESCAFÉ’s commitment to sustainability was the basis for this year’s NESCAFÉ Day campaign concept of “Nurturing Stronger Bonds, Brewing It Forward.” The campaign will help coffee fans across the country understand the importance of taking care of the environment by showcasing upcycled items made from more than 100 million NESCAFÉ BLEND & BREW sachets sent in by consumers who entered various lucky draw campaigns over the past year. These sachets have been upcycled into eco-friendly materials such as wood-plastic composites (WPCs) that were used to make dining tables for 100 schools across the country, as well as eco-furniture for the two latest NESCAFÉ Hubs at BTS Ploen Chit and BTS Mo Chit, followed by the five existing locations, which are BTS Chit Lom, BTS Ari, BTS Victory Monument, BTS Sala Daeng, and BTS Chong Nonsi. The eco-friendly materials made from upcycled NESCAFÉ BLEND & BREW sachets will also be used for furnishings at the NESCAFÉ Street Café, which will be set up as a prototype for additional locations in the future.

For its RTD products, NESCAFÉ organized a contest to create new items made from used aluminum cans. This led to a collaboration with a lecturer at Rayong Polytechnic College to create a robot prototype built from used aluminum cans that offers samples of drinks and performs temperature check. The project will run from this October onwards.
The highlight of the NESCAFÉ Day 2020 campaign launch was a gathering of 10 NESCAFÉ brand ambassadors, led by Pope-Thanawat Wattanaputi and James-Jirayu Tangsrisuk, plus Tor-Thanapob Leeratanakajorn, Sunny Suwanmethanon, Ananda Everingham, Baifern-Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul, Ice-Paris Intarakomalyasut, JJ-Kritsanapoom Pibulsonggram, Bank-Thiti Mahayotaruk, and Pat-Chayanit Charnsangarvej. They joined together to decorate a one-of-a-kind upcycled dining table, one of the total 100 that will be donated to 100 schools across the country. The brand ambassadors also shared their perspectives on sustainable living.
Pope-Thanawat Wattanaput said, “As a NESCAFÉ brand ambassador, I am proud that NESCAFÉ is developing sustainable packaging innovations that are the first of their kind in the world. I am excited to know that the sachets from the coffee that I drink every day, which ensure that it has a nice aroma, smooth taste, and is well-blended, can be upcycled into value-added dining tables for schoolchildren. This fulfils my coffee-drinking moment and makes me happier.”

“I started to make my own lifestyle more environmentally-friendly, such as no longer using plastic bags and remembering to always bring a tote bag every time I go out as I don’t want to harm the world. I also avoid using plastic straws whenever I can. It was hard at first, but if we all start somewhere, little-by-little our actions will contribute to major changes. I would like to encourage everyone to try to save the world together.”

Ananda Everingham added, “Having the opportunity to make a documentary about a swamp earlier this year encouraged me to care about nature even more. I want to be part of something that is good for the environment. NESCAFÉ’s mission to help the planet makes me happy. It’s not just enjoying a coffee that offers a great aroma and smooth taste, but also knowing it comes in innovative packaging that is designed for recycling, which benefits both coffee drinkers and the planet.”

“In my opinion, people don’t need to do big things to save the planet. By joining together, we can all help protect the environment to make the world a better place. I started with some small efforts such as getting into the habit of sorting waste. It’s easy to separate waste into the various types and avoid mixing food waste with other types of waste,” he added.

Another highlight of this year’s NESCAFÉ Day campaign was the launch of the Red Pillar 2020 campaign. A concept based on NESCAFÉ’s core idea of nurturing stronger bonds, it encourages a new level of engagement under the theme “Endless Bonding Equation. A campaign highlight that will delight coffee lovers brought together eight brand ambassadors who are leading actors and actresses, including James-Jirayu Langrick, Tor-Thanapob Phopleeratanakajorn, Sunny Suwanmethanon, Baifern-Pimchanok Luewisetpaiboon, Ice-Paris Intarakomalasut, JJ-Kritnaphumi Pibulsongkram, Bank-Thiti Mahayotharak, and Pat-Chayanit Chanasangavej, to appear in a new Web film that will debut on NESCAFÉ’s Facebook and YouTube channels on October 1.