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Milo announces 150-million-baht investment to launch all-new ‘Milo Soy’

Milo announces 150-million-baht investment to launch all-new ‘Milo Soy’

The first time Milo will introduce a drink that perfectly combines
high-protein soy and malt extract, has strong health benefits, and is easy to drink

  • Milo launches a new product, “Milo Soy”, the first time for Milo. This is a product that combines the benefits of soybean and malt extracted from barley. The new beverage contains high protein of up to 5,000 mg and high calcium, providing full health benefits from all 9 essential amino acids from soy milk.
  • Milo Soy is targeting the new generation of mothers who prefer good nutrition for their children in line with the rising trend of plant-based beverages and dairy alternatives that are becoming increasingly popular
  • Milo has set aside a total investment of THB 150 million for developing and promoting this new beverage across all channels
  • The Famous Thai actress Kob-Suvanant, together with her lovely daughter and son, Nada and Nadol, were selected as Milo Soy’s brand presenters to launch a new TV commercial ad under the concept of “Enjoy All Things New”
  • Milo Soy is now available at all leading convenience and retail stores nationwide

Milo, the world's leading chocolate malt beverage brand, is shaking up the ready-to-drink dairy beverage market with the launch of its new product, “Milo Soy”. It is the first time Milo’s product will combine the benefits of soybean and malt extracted from barley together in one beverage. The new product is targeting a new generation of mothers who prefer products that meet the nutritional needs of their children are also in line with current wellness trends and the rising popularity of plant-based protein products.

Milo has Invested a total budget of more than 150 million baht to enter Thailand’s ready-to-drink milk market in the soymilk segment. With this, the brand plans to launch a new commercial ad, introducing the famous Thai actress and mother of two, Kob-Suvanant, together with her talented daughter and son, Nong Nada-Nong Nadol, as the new presenters of Milo Soy.

ไมโล นมถั่วเหลือง


Bringing to light the full health benefits of soybean and malt extract with protein as high as 5,000 mg.
Milo Soy is the first product from Milo that combines the benefits of soybean and barley malt extract. A carton of Milo Soy provides up to 5,000 mg of protein from 100% soy, which is a quality plant-based protein source. The product is also high in calcium and contains all 9 types of essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. It also contains vitamins B2, B3, B6, iron and phosphorus, providing nutritional value for building and nourishing the body. It helps various body systems to function well and effectively, while also maintaining the delicious taste of Milo's typical malt. It is a perfect choice for consumers of all ages, including those who are allergic to cow's milk.

กิจกรรมเปิดตัว “ไมโล นมถั่วเหลือง” ณ ลานกิจกรรม ลิโด้ คอนเน็คท์ สยามสแควร์

Mr. Chaiyong Sakulborrirug, Business Executive Officer – Dairy & Adult Nutrition, Nestlé (Thai) Ltd., spoke about the launch of Milo Soy: “Thailand’s ready-to-drink milk market is very large. Although the overall market has been affected by the economic recession in the past year, there’s still potential for the market to grow again in the future. The survey results from leading market research firm, Nielsen1 found that in 2021, the country’s ready-to-drink milk market shrank by 7.5%, but still had a total value of more than 44 billion baht, with a market share of 30% of soy milk -- or more than 13.5 billion baht. These figures made us believe that the country’s soymilk market has great potential and can create growth opportunities in the future. Therefore, we launched Milo Soy and we are ready to enter the market in this segment, starting with this launch. It is also in line with the growing trend of alternative plant-based beverages among Thai consumers.”

"The findings of an in-depth study by Kantar2, a leading global brand and data analytics consulting firm, also revealed some interesting insights of modern-day mothers. It found that many mothers were still working and do not have a lot of time. In addition, mothers in the digital age also like to search for information on parenting and they pay attention to good nutrition. But at the same time, they still want their children to eat what they like and place importance on their children’s happiness in order to have a balance between both physical and mental health. Therefore, we decided to develop a new product, Milo Soy, that perfectly meets the needs of modern mothers," added Mr. Chaiyong.

Plant-based beverages as a rising health trend
Plant-based beverages are becoming increasingly popular in many countries around the world, including Thailand. This is because it lessens the environmental impact and is good for health in the long run. This trend will create a positive effect on products that contain alternative plant-based proteins in the future. The launch of Milo Soy is in line with the current health trends of Thai consumers who are continuously paying more attention to plant-based proteins these days.

Introducing Kob-Suvanant, together with Nong Nada-Punnada and Nong Nadol-Punnadol, as Milo Soy’s presenters under the concept of “enjoying all things new”
Along with the new product launch, Milo also introduced beloved Thai actress Kob-Suvanant Kongying and her children Nong Nada-Punnada Punnakan, and Nong Nadol-Punnadol Punnakan, as the brand presenters for Milo Soy. The presenters reflect the image of a family with a modern mother who cares about her children's health by choosing the best things for her kids so they are ready to “enjoy all things new". The concept will be communicated through a new commercial ad featuring Milo Soy as a product with essential nutrition that provides both energy and health benefits from soy and barley malt extract, all from one box, helping Nada to practice her new gymnastics moves with grace.

Milo has also allocated a total investment of 150 million baht to develop and launch this new product with upcoming marketing activities to promote Milo Soy through all channels. This includes product development, the introduction of new presenters and commercials ads, out-of-home media promotion at more than 250 locations, in-store advertisement, advertising on online channels through various media and influencers, as well as organizing activities to distribute Milo Soy drinks for consumers to try, with the goal to give away more than 350,000 servings of the new product at locations across the country.

ดึง กบ-สุวนันท์ พร้อมด้วย น้องณดา-ปุณณดาและน้องณดล-ปุณณดล พรีเซนเตอร์ไมโล นมถั่วเหลืองในคอนเซปต์ “ลุยทุกสิ่งใหม่”

"Nutritional values that mothers trust, as well as a flavor that children like, are what Milo has placed importance on. Milo Soy will complement and strengthen our Milo's entire product portfolio, serving the demand of consumers as an ultimate choice for a healthy ready-to-drink dairy beverage. This is in line with the wellness trend and the growing trend of plant-based beverage alternatives which is becoming increasingly popular nowadays," said Mr. Chaiyong.

Milo Soy 180 ml is now available for 13 baht at leading retail, convenience stores, supermarkets, and hypermarkets across the country.

For more information about Milo Soy, please visit
#MiloThailand #MiloSoy #ไมโลนมถั่วเหลือง