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5 Stomach-toning exercises in bed

5 stomach-toning exercises in bed

Recently, we spend most of our time at home which causes our body to store excess calories due to fewer physical activities. Further, we tend to eat more food and snacks that we order more frequently, eat what we have stocked up in the fridges, and take an afternoon nap. These behaviors cause weight gain and increase your waistline. Before that tiny little belly of yours grows bigger, let’s take care of your health with these 5 stomach-toning exercises in bed which takes only 10-15 minutes.

1. Leg Raises

This exercise helps tone up your thigh and stomach. You may keep your hips contracted to firm up your hamstring.

  • Lie on your back with your hands at your sides. 

  • Contract your stomach while lifting your legs up as close to your body as possible. 

  • Relax your muscle then slowly low down your legs. 

  • Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions continuously. 

2. Flutter Kicks 

This workout helps exercise upper and lower abdominal muscles  

  • Lie on your back with your hands at your sides. 

  • Contract your stomach, then slowly lift your legs up and hold the position. 

  • While keeping your legs straight up in the air, make flutter kick motion without bending your knees. 

  • Do 4 sets of 15 repetitions continuously.

3. Bicycle crunch 

This workout helps exercise upper and lower abdominal muscles, and oblique while tone up your adductors.

  • Lie on your back with your hands holding your heads. 

  • Contract your abdomen, lift your left knee and twist your right shoulder until the knee reaches elbow. 

  • Switch side. Do 2 sets of 15 repetitions continuously.  

4. Hip Bridge 

This workout helps tone up your abdominal muscle and bottoms. Also, if you have backpain, this exercise can help relax and increase flexibility of your back muscle.  

  • Lie on your back with your hands at your sides, your knees bent and feet flat on the bed. 

  • Slowly contract your stomach and bottoms while lifting your body, hips, and thighs. Your arms and shoulders should not be lifted. 

  • Hold the position until you feel the tension then slowly release.  

  • Do 4 sets of 15 repetitions continuously. 

5. Plank  

After 4 stretching exercises, finish your morning workout routine with a plank which can help build strength for the whole body, abdomen, arms, and legs at the same time. 

  • Face down on the bed. 

  • Your forearms on the bed, shoulder-width apart. 

  • Contract your stomach and hips. Lift your body. Your back, hips, and legs should be on the same plane and parallel to the bed. 

  • Hold the position for 30 seconds, then release for 10 seconds. That is 1 set. Do 2 sets continuously. When your arms muscles become stronger, you can extend planking time.

These are exercises everyone can do. We recommend you to incorporate them into your morning routine so that you build a self-discipline to exercise. These exercises can help build strength for abdominal muscles, tone up your body, and build muscle mass so that your body can burn more calories. To improve effectiveness, you should also do cardio exercises like running, biking, rope jumping, power walking, or aerobic dancing continuously for 20-40 minutes to help burn more calories and excess fat. With these tips, you can have a toned-up body with good health. The most important factor of weight control is nutrition. You should eat varieties of food at proper amount to meet your body requirement and your daily calories expenditure to help enhance your results sustainably.


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