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Health Tips for Workaholics to be healthy for every job

Every day, office workers have to get up early in the morning and spend their 8-9 hours working and may have to spend extra hours at night finishing the work. Dedication to work is, of course, a good thing for you and your family as it will bring pride and financial stability to you and your family. But sometimes you may focus so much on the work that you may forget to look after your physical and mental health.
Especially during this period that a lot of people are working from home, you should balance your personal life and look after your health more than ever. Start with something simple that will help relax you from the tiredness and cheer you up all day long. Here are some tips for workaholics to look after yourselves without having to change your lifestyle.
1. E. Eating – Healthy food is a good start
“You are what you eat” is a common phrase everyone is familiar with. But office workers or workaholics still habitually stick to fast food because it is fast and convenient so that they can quickly get back to finish their works. So, the selection of food is based more on convenience and cooking time rather than nutritional value of the food. So, let’s check out how to eat healthily with workaholic lifestyle.
• Have your breakfast within 1 hour after waking up to boost up your energy: breakfast is an important meal, and it will be very beneficial if we eat it at the right time. The best time to have breakfast is:
- Within 1 hour after waking up because this is the time that our stomach will stimulate functions of digestive tract and nutrition can be well absorbed. The best time to have breakfast is 7-9 am. When our body and brain are fully loaded with nutrients and energy, we are ready to get the work done more effectively.
- Energy from quality nutrient: You should select breakfast loaded with energy from carbs and lean protein to make you feel active such as eggs served with wholewheat bread which can be prepared effortlessly and provide you with nutrients, and it gets better when you have your breakfast with a cup of aromatic instant coffee blended with finely ground roasted coffee to energize you up for the day.
- Within 1 hour after waking up because this is the time that our stomach will stimulate functions of digestive tract and nutrition can be well absorbed. The best time to have breakfast is 7-9 am. When our body and brain are fully loaded with nutrients and energy, we are ready to get the work done more effectively.
- Energy from quality nutrient: You should select breakfast loaded with energy from carbs and lean protein to make you feel active such as eggs served with wholewheat bread which can be prepared effortlessly and provide you with nutrients, and it gets better when you have your breakfast with a cup of aromatic instant coffee blended with finely ground roasted coffee to energize you up for the day.
• Healthy Fast Food: If you have to eat one-plate meal or boxed meal, you’d better check if they have all the nutrition from all 5 food groups. You should eat from all 5 food groups, with the focus on protein, vegetables, and fruits as they help build muscles and are rich in vitamins, which is suitable for exhausting day at work. You should limit carbs, sugar, and fat intake as you will be sitting long hours at your working station and hardly move. Excess carbs, sugar, and fat will be converted to fat in your body.
• Afternoon coffee fix: Coffee is a good friend of people of working age as it contains caffeine to keep you energized and its aroma can help relax your mind. The healthy options are sugar-free or less-sugar coffee. But if you are not a coffee drinker, tea or malt beverages are a good choice to freshen you up in the afternoon.
• Afternoon coffee fix: Coffee is a good friend of people of working age as it contains caffeine to keep you energized and its aroma can help relax your mind. The healthy options are sugar-free or less-sugar coffee. But if you are not a coffee drinker, tea or malt beverages are a good choice to freshen you up in the afternoon.
• Brain-boosting snacks: During the working days, you may feel tired and your work doesn’t make much progress, so the office workers may need some snacks, but for your health, you should avoid deep-fried snacks, desserts, or bakery because they are high in carbs and sugar contents. You should select low-calorie snacks which will help support your brain and eyesight such as nuts like almond and macadamia, or you may have cocoa or dark chocolate as they contain flavonoids which will help relax your mind and reduce stress hormones to brighten up your mood. So, if you want to have break, have a wafer coated in milk chocolate to bite on while on a break to keep your mind sharp and ready to get back to work.
2. E. Exercise at your office Time is not an excuse not to exercise because you do not need a gym to work out. Just remember that moving is a way to exercise. So, you should adjust your daily life to be more active, increase your physical activities with office exercises and do not let the time define your health. Just follow these steps
2. E. Exercise at your office Time is not an excuse not to exercise because you do not need a gym to work out. Just remember that moving is a way to exercise. So, you should adjust your daily life to be more active, increase your physical activities with office exercises and do not let the time define your health. Just follow these steps
• Counteract your long-sitting hours with 20-minute stretching: Working in front of your computer or online meeting drive your eyes to work hard and sitting in the same posture will cause upper body pain. Here are some stretching tips for you to alleviate the muscle pain.
- Set an alarm to move: No, you are not avoiding your work, but changes in posture can help relax you from long hours of working. Set an alarm everyone hour to stretch yourself away from your working station for 1-2 minutes to relax your muscles, improve blood circulation to the brain, and improve digestive system. To take advantages of these few minutes away from the working station, you may do something else like photocopying, going to the toilet or grabbing some water to drink.
- Set an alarm to move: No, you are not avoiding your work, but changes in posture can help relax you from long hours of working. Set an alarm everyone hour to stretch yourself away from your working station for 1-2 minutes to relax your muscles, improve blood circulation to the brain, and improve digestive system. To take advantages of these few minutes away from the working station, you may do something else like photocopying, going to the toilet or grabbing some water to drink.
- Stretching: Stand up and stretch your arms forwards or backwards to reduce tension of shoulder and arm muscles. Toe-touching is also good for your back. Doing these exercises for 3-5 times and holding each position for 5-15 seconds can help relieve pain from sitting long hours. Check out work-from-home sitting positions to avoid back pain here.
- Drinking water because bones and joints in our body consist of cartilages which helps cushion the impact, and water contributes up to 80% of the cartilage mass. So, you should drink 1.5 liters of water daily to replace lost fluids. Have a 1.5-litre water bottle at hands so that you have easy access it. Apart from rehydrating the body and joints, this can help restore internal balance of the body and freshen up your brain for the upcoming tasks.
• Stay active with stairs: If you are living or working in a high-rise building, try using stairs instead of elevators. In addition to fat-burning benefits, this will help ‘accelerate your heart rate’ for increased blood circulation and improve your health. Stair climbing is also an exercise to firm up your thigh and hip muscles. 15-minute stair climbing can burn about 150 kcal.
3. E. Emotion: Good mood, good work
Good things begin with our good mental health and emotion. Working inevitably comes with stress and pressure, so here are some relaxation tips for you to stay happy even in the office.
- Drinking water because bones and joints in our body consist of cartilages which helps cushion the impact, and water contributes up to 80% of the cartilage mass. So, you should drink 1.5 liters of water daily to replace lost fluids. Have a 1.5-litre water bottle at hands so that you have easy access it. Apart from rehydrating the body and joints, this can help restore internal balance of the body and freshen up your brain for the upcoming tasks.
• Stay active with stairs: If you are living or working in a high-rise building, try using stairs instead of elevators. In addition to fat-burning benefits, this will help ‘accelerate your heart rate’ for increased blood circulation and improve your health. Stair climbing is also an exercise to firm up your thigh and hip muscles. 15-minute stair climbing can burn about 150 kcal.
3. E. Emotion: Good mood, good work
Good things begin with our good mental health and emotion. Working inevitably comes with stress and pressure, so here are some relaxation tips for you to stay happy even in the office.
• 40-second tree gazing helps calm your mind: Simply looking at the tree or its image for 40 seconds can help relax our mind. The research has revealed that when we are focusing at anything for a long period of time, our brain shifts its focus to information processing, resulting in cumulative stress and tiredness. Nature can help restore that because it elicits our pleasant feeling, making us feel relaxed temporarily. Maybe get some small plants or images of the tree on your desk to increase senses of nature. Just looking at it for 40 seconds can help relax your brain and calm your mind.
• Clearly define your routine: If you are working from home today, you have to define your routine clearly to help improve your work-life balance. For example, define your mealtime and eat your meal on that time. Prioritize your works. When working hours end, if it is nothing urgent, you should refrain from replying email and messages, or you may have to ask your colleagues for a hand. This will let you have more time with your family and loved ones and get to enjoy your hobbies to reduce stress so that our brain can be relaxed and recharged for the next day.
• Turn obstacles into challenges: When you have to work on a new and unfamiliar project, face the stressful situation, or experience working pressure from your supervisor, be positive and turn these obstacles into challenges you have to overcome to become more experienced and better at your job. And you should give compliment yourself when you can make it. In addition to compliments from your supervisor and colleagues, you should also praise yourself to feel the pride of the work you have done.
• Relaxing Music: When you have to work long hours or catch up on the workloads, they are mentally taxing. Try playing some background music while working. The relaxing instrumental music can help relax your mind. We recommend classical instrumental music because they can help adjust the brain wave and help you focus better.
These tips would be most beneficial if workaholics incorporate them in daily life in #3EMeStyle way that suits your lifestyle. You can love your work and yourself at the same time. If you want to be healthy, start now with these simple tips to stay happy with your work and balance your lifestyle in your own way on the basis of 3Es – E.Eating, E.Exercise, and E.Emotion . With these tips, you will become healthy and ready to tackle any task effectively.
Workaholics can start looking after your health with a wide range of Nestlé quality products that will help workaholics become healthy. Visit our online shopping sites: