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Enjoy your favorite food in healthier way

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When Yakiniku, Shabu-shabu, and café hopping are your favorites, check out this article. Eating plays a significant role in our health but giving up your favorite food for healthy meal may be too much to ask for. Here are the tips for foodies to still enjoy your food and stay healthy by adopting minor behavioral changes. Especially in the current circumstances, we should select to consume immunity-boosting nutrition to stay away from illness and stay healthy to enjoy our favorite food.

1. E. Eating the right food is a good start​

• Drinking 1 glass of water before and after meal:
This technique may not be quite popular, but it is very helpful for the foodies to drink 1 glass of water before and after every meal because drinking water before meal can reduce sugar craving and help with weight loss. You should drink water at least 30 minutes before the meal. Drinking water after the meal aids digestion, nutrient absorption, and improves waste excretion, and therefore helps prevent constipation.
• Healthy delivery order: We rely more on online food delivery services. Here are some online food delivery tips for foodies to enjoy your food in healthy ways.

- Heavy lunch: Have heavy meal at lunch instead of dinner to give our body time for digestion and to expend the calories in the afternoon to reduce calories balance and hence body fat storage. 
- Food variety: Order different kinds of food from different restaurants so that the body get various nutrition and you can enjoy different kinds of food rather than repeated menus. 
- Be cautious about discount: Order proper amount of food. Try calculating how much food you need before placing the order. Do not order too much food just because they have special deals as it may lead to overconsumption.  
- Take delivery time into account: Before placing the order, take delivery time into account so that you get to eat freshly cooked food at the right time. Eating at the same time every day can also help our normal metabolism to work efficiently.

• “Eating is happiness” is not the wrong thing: But you have to know how to balance the nutrition. You can eat as much as you like but you should include healthy food to help balance the whole meal, or you may choose to reduce portion of the next meal. The healthy portion is 2:1:1 where you eat 1 bite of carbs, 1 bite of meat, and follow by 2 bites of vegetable to receive proper energy, vitamins and fibers for you to stay healthy and in a good shape.
• Slow chewing: Studies have revealed that brain takes about 20 minutes to register that the stomach is full. So, you should chew more slowly (about 30 times) before swallowing for your brain to recognize the fullness and tell you to stop eating before you eat too much.
• Same food with good beverages: When we have a big meal, we will usually have it with sweetened beverages or soda pops, which add more calories intake. Try switching to drinking water or low-sugar beverages to lower calorie intake so that we can still enjoy the food and stay healthy.
2. E. Exercise: Burn what you eat
Foodies should focus more on physical movement to burn the calories you received from the food with exercise. You may begin with something simple such as walking or doing the chores like floor sweeping, mopping, car washing, and watering the tree because these activities do not require much time. But the most important thing is that you have to conquer yourself for it.
• Burn what you eat: Start counting dietary calories we consume each day and start working out properly or increase your physical activities to burn excess calories. For example, if you want to burn calories from a croissant you just ate (235 kcal), these are activities you can do

- 60-minute walk to burn 240-340 kcal
- 30-minute aerobic dance to burn 210 kcal
- 60-minute floor mopping to burn 200-240 kcal
Cardio exercise to improve blood flow and strengthen cardiac muscle. First, you have to know target heart rate with this formula: 220 (which is the highest heart rate) - your age = Your Maximum Heart Rate/ minute. The good cardio exercise is when your heart rate reaches 60-80% of your maximum heart rate. We can do our own cardio workout without any equipment with the exercises we already know like jumping jack, running, cycling, squatting, and pushup. These will make your heartbeat faster. By doing these exercises 30 minutes a day- 5 days a week, or 60 minutes a day – 3 days a week, you can burn the extra calories from the food you have eaten and become healthier.

• Chores is a good exercise for foodies: Any foodie who does not like exercise, just know that “moving is a way to exercise. Try doing the chores and you can burn as if you had been to a gym like walking or doing the chores like floor sweeping, mopping, car washing, and watering the tree. These do not require much time, but they can help you burn the extra calorie and become healthier.
3. E. Emotion: Good mood, good life
Whether you are happy, stressed, sad, or mad, foodies will use eating as a tool to express your emotion. So, you should be conscious when you become emotional, and figure out the way to solve the problems first before ending up eating.
• Healthy Stress-Fighting Snacks: Foodies can still enjoy snacking, but you should select healthy snacks. There are variety of healthy snacks, and you should select the healthy ones that will keep your stomach filled and help relieve your stress such as:
- Cacao or dark chocolate which contains flavonoid that helps boost up your brain.
- Nuts and Grains like almonds, cereal bars, and cereal beverages because they are sources of fiber that will help keep your stomach filled, and they are also sources of vitamin and minerals such as vitamin E and Vitamin Bs that aid the waste excretion. 

• Don’t let craving control you: Whenever you feel like eating, there is no need to spoil yourself. Ask yourself if it is hunger or craving, and if it’s just craving, try drinking 2 glasses of water to fill your stomach and calm your craving, and try doing something else to distract yourself from such craving. 

Now that you know how to eat healthier, start incorporating these tips into your lifestyle in #3EMeStyle way that suits your daily life. You may start with something simple like increasing your physical activities. Not only will this help you enjoy your food better, but it also helps improve your health in the long run with 3Es – E.Eating, E.Exercise, and E.Emotion. And we do believe that it is you who have to look after your own heath, so whatever your lifestyle is, you can start taking care of yourself today.


For foodies who want to be healthy, simply start with Nestlé products that meet the need of every lifestyle. Visit our online shopping sites for special deal that will deliver to your doorstep here.