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Nestlé Pilots 100% Electric Delivery Vehicles as Part of its Net Zero Roadmap to Reduce Carbon Emissions

เนสท์เล่ นำร่องรถขนส่งพลังงานไฟฟ้า 100% ลดการปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนตามแผนงานสู่ Net Zero

Nestlé Thailand is moving towards its Net Zero 2050 goal by piloting two 100% electric-powered freight trucks in 2023 to deliver its high-quality products from the company’s factories to its distribution centers and finally to retail stores. This initiative is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 230 tons per year.

As the world’s largest food and beverage company, Nestlé has a Net Zero roadmap comprised of four key pillars: sustainable packaging, water stewardship, sustainable sourcing, and carbon reduction. Nestlé has already implemented many projects using modern and environmentally friendly technology in the production process and is transitioning to solar energy through solar panels, electric vehicles to transport temperature-controlled KitKat products, and electric tricycles as mobile units to sell Nestlé ice cream. Nestlé is the first FMCG company in Thailand to shift to renewable energy under EGAT’s Utility Green Tariff sandbox project for producing Nestlé Ice Cream.

The deployment of the 100% EV trucks will support Nestlé’s strategy of driving its “Good for the Planet” mission to ensure the company’s products and operations are sustainable. This commitment includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions during the production process and transportation, in line with Nestlé’s target of achieving net zero by 2050.

เนสท์เล่ นำร่องรถขนส่งพลังงานไฟฟ้า 100% ลดการปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนตามแผนงานสู่ Net Zero