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Building firm body requires more than hard workout

Building firm body requires more than hard workout

Not only do people nowadays exercise to lose weight, but they are doing it to build perfect figure to enhance body confidence. But only hard exercise won’t suffice the conditions of having the perfect body or long-term health. Here are some bodybuilding tips that will help improve your physical and mental health in a sustainable way with 3Es – Eating, Exercise, and Emotion.

Exercise is great, but these 3 tips will improve your results


1. E-Eating: Build your body with nutrition, but don’t overdo meat and whey protein
Muscles are made up of protein, and bodybuilder need 2-3 times (2-3g/ 1 kg of body weight/day) more protein than everyone else. This is the reason why majority of bodybuilders would consume a lot of low-fat meat and instant whey protein. However, the basic rules to have a good health is to consume varieties of nutrients and the nutrition from all 5 food groups in proper amount. Even though you are focusing on protein, you can get protein from alternative sources such as tofu, pistachio, almond, and vegetables to improve nutritional diversities.
• 100 grams of winged beans contain 2.1 grams of protein
• 100 grams of spinach contain 5.2 grams of protein
• 100 grams of ivy gourd contain 4.1 grams of protein
• 100 grams of beansprout contain 4.2 grams of protein
• 100 grams of sunflower sprout contain 23 grams of protein

Although plants provide relatively lower protein than animal meat, but they are sources of good protein. Apart from muscle building and tissue repairing properties, they are cholesterol-free, low in fat, and high in fiber which helps support digestion and bowel movement. In addition, they are high in antioxidants which help boost your immunity to improve overall health, and they are sources of vitamin and mineral to boost your health from within. So, the bodybuilder may apply nutrition knowledge to grow your muscles and improve your health holistically.
2. E- Exercise: Don’t over-exercise. Give yourself a rest day every week.
Bodybuilders are so focused on the results that they would end up overtraining themselves but overdoing your workout every day does not always refer to a healthy outcome as your muscles will be overused daily, causing muscle pain, declining health, decreasing muscle mass, and insufficient resting. So, you should create your own workout plan according to your body type, and muscle and bone structures to build the workout routine that will help you achieve your goals. Then, design your weekly workout routine by selecting suitable weight training or cardio training, and you should always warm up and cool down your body before and after the workout to achieve your body and weight goals in the harmless way for your bones and muscles. The important thing is to have 1 rest day a week. Skip the gym, taking a break from hard training for your muscle to rest and restore. You may do some light activities such as yoga and swimming that will help alleviate the pain, strengthen your heart, and firm up every part of your body. Another essential thing you should do is to sip water during the exercise because during the continuous exercise, your body will release the heat through perspiration. So, you should drink 1-2 glasses of water 15-20 minute before exercise, and keep sipping water every 15 minutes during the workout because your body will be dehydrated and feel thirsty, causing you to feel more fatigued than usual, and it may cause muscle cramps.
3. Maintain Healthy E-Emotion with 8 hours of sleep to boost Growth Hormone
When you work out with bodybuilding exercise regularly, there will be process of cell rejuvenation and reparation within your body. One of the hormones that plays significant roles in promoting protein synthesis in the muscle, recovering tissues, and enhancing bone strength is Growth Hormone, which is produced by pituitary gland 70-120 minutes after you fell asleep. This is the reason why you should have a good sleep to promote muscle building. Here are some tips for your body to effectively secrete growth hormone.
• 30-60 minutes before sleeping, avoid use of social media and messaging applications. Alternatively, you may turn off your electronic devices to promote healthy sleep hygiene to calm your mind before sleeping.
• Avoid consumption of energy drink or alcoholic beverage before bedtime.
• Avoid food with sugar contents, including sweet fruits before bed because it will negatively affect growth hormone production.
• Sleep at least 8 hours a day.

In addition to muscle building benefits, growth hormone also stimulates collagen production to brighten and firm up your skin. After a restful sleep, you will feel energized, and gain improved performance on muscular activities and better workout endurance so you can build your body the way you like it. However, if a bodybuilder doesn’t get enough sleep, not only will this negatively impact your muscle, but it also affects your mental health. The effects are, for example, fatigue, inactiveness, sleepiness, increased hunger or loss of appetite, probably loss of focus, or decreased working performance. Apart from sufficient sleep, you should always maintain healthy E-Emotion. Don’t pressure yourself or get stressed out too much when you can’t achieve your desired results because bodybuilding requires time and patience. You will gradually achieve your body goals in time with a good health.

These 3 bodybuilding tips can help you achieve your goals with 3Es concept that aligns with nutritional guidance and conforms with muscle building process within the body to promote effective bodily functions to increase your endurance by eating the right food, exercising properly, and maintaining healthy emotion. Whatever your lifestyle is, you can do 3Es in your own way.

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