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7 Steps of handwashing for good hygiene

The most cost-effective and simplest way of disease prevention is handwashing because our hands come in contact with other people and surfaces the most, so they are considered the transmitting agent of germs into our body and to other people. Regularly washing your hands with soap is the convenient and cost-effective practice we can do to reduce risk of disease infection.

However, general ways of handwashing might not be quite effective because we are used to only washing our palms, but not the fingertips which is a good transmitter of germs. Recommendations from a number of organizations suggest the 7 steps to effectively wash your hand for at least 20 seconds.

Step 1: Rub hand palm to palm: Wet hands with clean water, apply the soap and rub until it becomes bubbly, then rub palm to palm thoroughly. 
Step 2: Rub back of the hand with fingers interlaced to kill the bacteria on hands and on the back of interdigital space by rubbing back of each hand with palm of opposite hand with interlaced fingers.
Step 3: Rub palms and interdigital space by rubbing palm to palm then interlace fingers of each hand to clean front of interdigital space of your hands.
Step 4: Rub with back of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked.
Step 5: Rub fingers and base of thumbs. Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand using rotational movement.
Step 6: Rub fingertips of each hand on opposite palm in circular motion.
Step 7: Rub each wrist clasped in opposite hand.

The duration of handwashing using these 7 steps should take at least 20 seconds, or humming the Happy Birthday song from beginning to end twice. To dry your hand, you should use single-use towel, and you should not share the towel with anyone. When you finish drying your hands, turn off the tap with the towel. Avoid direct contact with the tap.

The right way to wash your hands can help reduce the risk and transmission of the diseases. So, it is important to wash your hand correctly. Everyone should pay more attention to handwashing with water and soap before and after each activity, for example, before and after the meal, preparing the food, peeling the fruits, after using a restroom, after coughing and sneezing, after having direct contact with body fluid of an ill person, after touching your pets, and after doing activity that soils your hands to help prevent diseases and keep good hygiene. This will habitually help you have good personal hygiene with handwashing. With all of these tips, we can prevent germs from entering our body, reduce risk of infection and disease transmission.

In addition to 7 steps of handwashing, you should also apply good hygiene with other parts of your body as well, and take care of yourselves on the basis of 3Es to boost your immunity and stay healthy, reducing the risk of developing illness for everyone in the family.
